Facial steamer vapozon
Facial vaporizer facial steamer
What is a vapozon facial steamer?
Vapozone is a facial vaporizer for facial treatments. Steam enriched with ozone or herbal essences that are spread over the face via a fine nozzle to ensure that it can be easily absorbed through the skin's pores.
What types of facial steamer are there?
- Prepare the skin for deep cleansing
- Warm and soften the skin
- Increase blood circulation
- Accelerate local metabolic processes
Ozone Therapy:
- Ozone has disinfection and anti-inflammatory effects on the skin
- Effective for removing acne
- Accelerate cell renewal
- You get fresher, firmer and youthful skin

Vapozone facial steamer - Giovanni D-09 black

Facial steamer Athmos


Water tank - F-800A
41.61 €

Water tank - A30, FD-2103
41.61 €

Water tank - F-100C
41.61 €

Water tank - Sky
41.61 €

Water tank - B-002
41.61 €

Water tank F300DT
41.61 €

Water tank - F-300A
48.56 €

Vapozon Facial Steamer – MINI F-17
83.01 €

Giovanni vapozon D-20 black
83.01 €

89.96 €

89.96 €

Extra accessories - Magnifying lamp for Vap
101.62 €

Optional accessories - Magnifying Lamp other
111.36 €

Optional accessories - Magnifying Lamp Zoom
111.36 €

Giovanni vapozon with magnifying lamp D-21 white
124.69 €

124.69 €

Giovanni vapozon with magnifying lamp D-21 black
124.69 €

129.46 €

Facial steamer - Sky
129.46 €

Facial Steamer - Dhen
138.59 €

Facial Steamer - Zube
145.53 €

Facial steamer Clear
157.30 €

228.90 €

Facial steamer - Cromo
250.10 €

Facial steamer H-Two
250.10 €

Cromol Facial Steamer
286.21 €

Digital Facial Steamer WEI
346.99 €

649.14 €